I was playing the game recently for the first time in a long while and I noticed a lot of the platforming challenges are on the diagonal axis, which makes sense with the game being isometric. But the character movement is standard up/down/left/right. This leads you to constantly using diagonals on the d-pad to move aligned with the world so to speak.
I wondered if the movement make more sense and be easier to navigate with a more traditional isometric movement style, so UP on the d-pad moves Sonic up/right etc.
I made an Xpadder profile that remaps d-pad inputs to diagonals and it felt surprisingly good! (Though I couldn't get diagonals to map correctly so I effectively had 4-direction movement)
Of course it would come down to personal preference but I think this movement option would make sense to people accustomed to isometric games such as RPGs and the like.