I have the patch, and I have a Sonic 3D Blast ROM in a .zip folder, but when I use the XDelta Patcher to utilize the patch, it says the source file is too short.
"[2:35:24 AM] Applying patch, please wait... (don't panic!)
[2:35:24 AM] An error has occurred: xdelta3: source file too short: XD3_INVALID_INPUT"
Does anyone know how to fix this problem? If so, it'd be much appreciated.
EDIT: Please help as soon as possible! I really want to get to playing this game, but I have no idea how.
EDIT2: Okay, I figured out a problem, I was using the .zip file, when I should have been using the base file. But now a new problem is showing up.
[1:59:21 PM] Applying patch, please wait... (don't panic!)
[1:59:21 PM] An error has occurred: xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT
Does anyone know what this, "Target Window Checksum Mismatch" is, or how to fix it? If so, much appreciated!