-Which books did Jon read when he became a game designer and project manager and programmer?
-How did Jon Burtons company "Travellers Tales" differ from other game-companies, and why did he decide to found it?
-At "Travellers Tales" do you use Lean or Agile?
-What are your experience of being a project manager at "Travellers Tale"?
-Which type of programming paradigm do you prefer with respect to their advantages and disadvantages? Procedural, object-oriented or declarative?
-Is there a anniversary book that chronicles the history of the company "Travellers tales", notable contributions by employées, mention of the companies´ values and vision statement, and the various trials and tribulations of the company?
-It would be great if you could show how the project plans at TT Games looks like.
-How and why did you decide on the particular structure in "LEGO Star Wars (1)" with the level select-screen, stud-count and character-selection?
-It puzzles me as to why the players still want to play the LEGO-games, when the gameplay is nearly identical to each other. Wouldn´t the predictability cause the players to stop playing the LEGO games?
-Why did you start adding voices to the LEGO-games, when considering that including voices would be a further expense and cost?
-Why did you decide to work in game design, instead of other forms of entertainment or IT ventures?
-In regards to IT, entertainment or game-design, did you have any role-models?
-What do you do when you do not design games?
-You should include a "press" or "media" section where you include links with media-posts where you have been featured.
-Where are the Christian references in the game "Haven"?
-Do you think you will ever have the opportunity to create a game like "Assassin Creed Egypt", but with focus on the Bible in the same fashion as Gibsons "Passion of the Christ"?
-How are you able to reconcile the sometimes violent nature of video games with your own ethics and existentialism? Emperor Honorius famously closed down the gladiator arenas in ancient Rome. This is, fortunately, something I am spared from as I work in academia. However, I assume this must be a predicament working in the entertainment-industry.
-I can highly recommend the worlds leading philosopher William Lane Craig´s youtube-channels "drcraigvideos", "ReasonableFaithOrg", and additionally "socratesinthecity" , which are intellectually enriching. Many people think that Christianity is exclusive to faith, is subjective, and does not have any evidence going for it. This is not true. Christianity is supported philosophically, logically, mathematically, historically and even scientifically and with substantive evidence, as you will see in the aforementioned channels. And I hope that it will enrich your life as it did mine.