Not sure if this is actually a glitch or not but I have noticed whenever there is a shadow under an object, using that checked like shadow effect, when I move about, it looks like it is slightly flashing a dark or lighter tone but it's fine when I stand still, it is especially noticeable on the flooring during The Final Fight boss as though it goes a bit darker in color but when I stop it returns to normal.
It might be how my graphics card displays it I am not sure as I checked an image on google and when I scroll, it does the same effect as though its a fast flashing light. The areas I highlighted on the picture here shows where it does that dd flashy thing and it does it scrolling up and down on this page but looks fine if it is still.
It is hard to explain but when you move the pixels in between the shadow pixels go darker but only when you move. It only occurs anywhere where they use that checkered effect to make thing look transparent but the rest looks fine. I Hope someone can help out, even if it is not game related. :)

Well, it is an Acer S220HQL. Not really a known monitor online apparently and it was sort of cheap, aha. Is it possible to fix?
That’s a problem with your display. Probably LCD latency or similar. Especially if it does it with just an image