I'd conceive it as something similar to the spindash, but it launches you at a faster speed, and you're still vulnerable to badniks. All it'd need to have are the running frames sped up. I'd say map it to the C button. Thanks!
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What is there not to like? It's a quick boost without having to slow down, it's perfect for speedruns, and to get enemies that you have to roll to kill when you haven't collected enough speed to do a simple roll and stop just in front where you get attacked.
idk i was never a fan of the dropdash in the first place
Spindash for drop dash, jump for homing attack!
drop dash probably wouldnt work that well either, like would you hold the spindash button in the air or the jump button???
In the 2d sonic games, stopping and taking the time to do a spin dash or a peel out made sense because the obstacle required it (like a loop a ramp) but most obstacles in 3dblast can be walked up to and loops are scripted so the spin dash basically was only good for breaking walls. If we could gain some speed without stopping, that would definitely be useful, which is why I think a drop dash would work wonders, especially with the new time attack mode!
It may seem alluring to port all of Sonic's unique moves from the 2D scene to the 3D environment, but one has to consider the gameplay aspect. When playing 3D Blast, is there at any point where you think, "You know, I wish I could travel through this environment at greater speeds than what is currently available in my arsenal." I feel that Sonic has sufficient methods of obtaining maneuverable speeds.
I honestly don't think a super peel out would fit with the 2.5d style, I mean how often did you use the spindash in the original game?