Firstly I'd like to say how much I enjoy the videos and for me, the more technical the better. Some of the tricks you have done would work on other systems and in Indie games today. As a coder I love the ways in which you have gamed the systems to pull off things they were not designed to do.
Jak and Daxter the Precursor Legacy features invisible loading, which makes the game a dream to play and gives the player a complete sense of immersion and immediacy. Your suspension of disbelief never interrupted by a dreaded loading screen.
Remember the days when we all thought the advent of HDDs would eradicate loading completely?
SWIV by Sales Curve also pulls of this trick on the Amiga.
These techniques have only been used in a handful of games that I know of, and I would like to know which ways I might be able to implement a similar technique in my own games.